
Autonomous Creative

now this is just silly

Published 19 days ago • 2 min read

Got 5 minutes to play around with me?

I’ve put together a tiny treasure hunt for you full of old, slightly embarrassing photos, art, and ephemera from my cartoonist past for you to discover. For example:

Want to see me drunk in a bar in Tijuana with semi-famous cartoonists in 1999?

Oh yes you do. These photos have never before been on the internets!

No joke: I had to literally scan small rectangles of paper to make this for you.

Also: unpublished work! Comic strips for [redacted major conglomerate], illustration for a [redacted feminist phone sex company], and merch design for [redacted major media company]!

And OMG you guys, looking for stuff to share I found my 2 1997 local TV news appearances! haha YIKES. Are you ready for the 1990s eyebrows???

And if you click all the buttons, you’ll get to join my long-dormant secret society complete with membership card and secret handshake!!

OK, ready for ridiculousness?

…No, YOU da best!

~ Jessica

P.S. in case you’re wondering, Why the living heck?????

Because you indulging in a few minutes of distraction will be a huge help to me: We need to “warm up” a new domain.

Here’s what that means:

In a few weeks, I’m going to start emailing you from a new domain (we’re switching to a new email service, Kajabi, from Convertkit). So, instead of, you’ll get the newsletter from

We’re not planning anything dramatic. No big website reveal. In fact, I’m hoping it’s the biggest nonevent since clouds rolled in here in Philly for the exact 40 minutes of the eclipse on Monday 😖.

Ideally, all that will happen right now is that you’ll see a slightly altered “from” line in your email.

Here’s the problem:

The scary result of “new domain, who dis?” can be getting your email sent to the Spam folder and your search results to page 1,000,000,000 of Google. In other words, internet jail.

…unless you have a lot of really nice friends who agree to waste a little time with you demonstrating that the new domain is real, not full of spammers and scammers.

Basically, when you click a link and hang out on a page for a minute or two, that tells the internet at large that the domain is a safe place, so don’t punish us just for being new, please!

I hope you’ll play along! It’ll be fast, promise.

Click here to start. 👇

P.P.S. Not the first time I’ve put out the Artbabe Signal! (need to know info: Artbabe was the name of my comic book series from 1992-1999)

Autonomous Creative

With Jessica Abel

For creative iconoclasts who want to pay their bills AND do the work they love, get insights, ideas, and next steps from a graphic novelist, author, & business coach. Find out how to build a balanced and productive creative life, and to thrive financially with simple, sustainable business foundations—without creative compromise.

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